Monday, July 20, 2009

Book Review: "The Next Big Thing"

Book Review: "The Next Big Thing" by Johanna Edwards

Book Description:

In this funny, poignant debut, a plus-size heroine becomes a reality TV show contestant and discovers she's already beautiful enough to be the next big thing.

Kat Larson figured she had nothing to lose by becoming a contestant on the new reality show From Fat to Fabulous-except maybe a few dozen pounds. Then she'd finally be able to arrange a face-to-face meeting with Nick, the British hunk she met online, who still thinks she's a size four. She'd finally be confident and graceful and thin-and there's that big cash prize, too, to pay for all those slinky new clothes she'd need. She'd finally have the perfect life.

I am trying to lose weight so I thought this would be the perfect motivating book for me right now. Not quite, but that doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy this book. I couldn't put the book down. Yes, I did get some weight loss tips and such, so that is worth reading the book in itself, but the story and characters kept me reading and wanting to know how it turned out. It is a nice quick read. Enjoy!

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds very interesting! :)
    Thanks for your comment on my blog~ I have enjoyed reading The Quilters Apprentice ~ and will keep you posted on what I think of it.
    ( Im not quite done with it yet..)
